"대문"의 두 판 사이의 차이

한성대학교 미디어위키
이동: 둘러보기, 검색
(디지털인문정보학트랙 소모임)
(Citypint83 (토론)의 400793판 편집을 되돌림)
1번째 줄: 1번째 줄:
= '''한성대학교 디지털인문정보학 트랙 수업'''=
For quantification of anxiety granules, G3BP1positive foci and number of cells were manually counted over 4 representative fields of view for each biological replicate. The relative [http://xaamw.com/comment/html/?806509.html Sion analysis, applying a Benjamini/Hochberg corrected pvalue cutoff of 0.1 (padjusted] quantity of tension granules per cellPI3K and p38 are prostressgranulekinasesHeberle et al.https://doi.org/10.26508/lsa.vol 2 | no two | e16 ofwas calculated because the ratio in between G3BP1positive foci and quantity of cells for every single field of view. The average of all representative fields from every situation was normalized towards the arsenite condition, which was set to 1. Statistics were performed with GraphPad Prism 8 by comparing the relative amounts of stress granules per cell over all biological replicates amongst two situations using a twotailed t test. RAS assay The RAS activity was studied around the basis of RAS AF interaction applying RBD agarose beads (Cat. No. 17218; Millipore) as outlined by the manufacturer's specifications. The cells were treated with arsenite for the specified duration and were subsequently lysed in magnesium lysis buffer (25 mM Hepes (pH 7.5), 150 nM NaCL, 1 IGEPAL CA630, 10 mM MgCl2, and 1 mM EDTA) for 30 min on ice. Debris was removed by centrifugation at 15,871 g for 15 min at four , and cleared lysates have been subsequently applied for protein measurement in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions using Bradford reagent (Cat. No. 1856209; Pierce). Equal amounts of all protein lysates had been subsequently incubated with RBD agarose beads for 45 min at 4 and thereafter washed three occasions with magnesium lysis buffer by centrifugation. Agarose beads had been then resuspended in 40 l of 2sample buffer, boiled for 5 min, and beads were collected by short centrifugation. 20 l per sample have been resolved on SDS AGE with suitable acrylamide [http://www.hzswyw.com/comment/html/?204657.html Roline residue at 1, respectively) exhibit a a great deal additional dynamic behavior into] percentage and transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes (Cat. No. 10600002, Amersham; GE Healthcare Life Sciences). The membranes had been blocked with five nonfat dry milk in TBST for 1 h at room temperature and thereafter incubated overnight at four with either antiRas or antiGST main antibodies diluted in five nonfat dry milk with TBST. A washing step with TBST followed, and the membranes had been subsequently probed with secondary antibodies conjugated to either horseradish peroxidase (antirabbit/ mouse HRPlinked IgG antibody) or to a fluorophore for 1 h at room temperature. The membranes were washed again as described above, and chemiluminescence was detected making use of GE Healthcare ECL Western blotting detection reagents (Cat. No. RPM2106; Ammersham ECL) and FluorChem M Scanner, whereas fluorescence was detected using the LiCor Odyssey Infrared Program. Mathematical model The final ordinary differential equation ased model such as a stressrelated input on PI3K, on AktpS473, and on mTORC1 (model V) comprises 25 species and 91 parameters. Generally, the model describes the activity state (e.g., phosphorylation) on the following species: IR, IRS1, PI3K, PDK1, Akt, PRAS40, TSC2, p70S6K, and 4EBP1. For the sake of simplicity, diverse compartments and cell volume have been neglected. All species activations and deactivations were simulated making use of mass action kinetics. Inhibitions had been simulated to become concentration dependent, that is definitely, the efficiency of inhibition correlates with the concentration of the inhibiting species relative to its total concentration (which includes active and inactive variants primarily based on phosphorylation states).
=='''[[디지털과 지식콘텐츠(20-2)]]'''==
=='''[[아카이브와 콘텐츠(2020)]]'''==
=='''[[디지털과 지식콘텐츠(2020)]]'''==
=='''[[디지털과 지식콘텐츠(2019)]]'''==
=='''[[디지털휴머니티의 이해(2018)]]'''==
== '''[[지식의 공유]]''' ==
== '''[[기록선별과 평가]]''' ==
== '''[[어린이청소년정보원]]''' ==
= '''디지털인문정보학트랙 소모임'''=
[[북적북적 전공탐색]], [[지역문화 아카이빙]], [[북 큐레이션]], [[문화 빅데이터 체험]]은 방중 진행하는 소모임입니다.
신청 기간은 2021.06.25(금) 까지이며 신청양식은 다음과 같습니다.
* 신청양식
** 메일 제목 : [소모임명], 학번, 이름
** 메일 내용 : [소모임명], 학번, 이름을 명시해주시고 연락처를 함께 남겨주시기 바랍니다.
* 신청방법
** 방중 진행 소모임 : 디지털인문정보학트랙 조교에게 메일로 신청
** 상시 진행 소모임 : 디지털인문정보학트랙 조교 및 대표학생에게 신청
** 디지털인문정보학트랙 조교 메일 : ssb@hansung.ac.kr
** 디지털인문정보학트랙 사무실 번호 : 02-760-5945
=='''[[디지털 문화 유산 유랑단]]'''==
=='''[[그림비 웹퍼블리싱]]'''==
'그림비'는 한성대학교 지식정보학부, 디지털인문정보학트랙, 도서관정보문화트랙 학생회가 출판하는 잡지입니다.
'그림비는 1992년 4월 처음 발간되었으며, 창간 당시에는 '진리의 반딧불'이라는 신문형태였습니다.  
그리고 1994년 10월에 지금의 이름인 '그림비'로 제호를 바꾸고 1996년 11월(제13호)부터 책자형태로 발간되었습니다.
디지털인문정보학 트랙과 도서관정보문화트랙 학생들의 소모임인 '그림비 웹페블리싱'은 최신호 그림비 잡지부터 창간호까지 웹에서 볼 수 있도록 다양한 방법으로 웹퍼브리싱하고 있습니다.
2017년도와 2018년도 그림비는 내일북 전자책 프로그램을 활용하여 전자책으로 제작한 것입니다.
** [[그림비 2019년도]] http://nobweb.naeilbook.com:5000/open/GrimB(2019)/
** [[그림비 2018년도]] http://nobweb.naeilbook.com:5000/open/2018_final
** [[그림비 2017년도]] http://nobweb.naeilbook.com:5000/open/2017_final
** [[그림비 2016년도]]
=='''[[북적북적 전공탐색]]'''==
*북적북적 전공탐색
** 디지털인문정보학 위키사이트에 소개된 전공 관련 서적 1~2권 선정 후 함께 읽기
** 아래의 [[디지털인문정보학 함께 읽을거리]] 링크 클릭
** 읽은 후 위키사이트에 감상평, 한 줄 댓글달기
** 비교과포인트 팀장 30pt, 팀원 20pt(활동에 따라 최대 30pt)
** 참가 신청 : 서형덕조교(ssb@hansung.ac.kr), 19학번 이예진(대표학생)
** 문의 사항 : 디지털인문정보학트랙 사무실 (02-760-5945)
** 신청기간 : ~ 21.06.25(금)까지
** 방중 진행하는 소모임
[[파일:북적북적 전공탐색 ver2.png|800px]]
=== '''[[디지털인문정보학 함께 읽을거리]]''' ===
=='''[[지역문화 아카이빙]]'''==
*지역문화 아카이빙
** 성북문화원 마을기록 아키비스트들로부터 현장 이야기 듣고 배울 기회가 제공됩니다
** 디지털 아카이브 구축 전문회사인 ‘아카이브랩’ 선생님들로부터 아카이빙 툴 사용방법 배우는 기회가 제공됩니다.
** 첫모임에서 읽을 책의 주제, 큐레이션 방법, 소모임 방법(온라인/오프라인, 횟수 등) 같이 정합니다.
** 비교과포인트 팀장 30pt, 팀원 20pt(활동에 따라 최대 30pt)
** 참가 신청 : 서형덕조교(ssb@hansung.ac.kr)
** 문의 사항 : 디지털인문정보학트랙 사무실 (02-760-5945)
** 신청기간 : ~ 21.06.25(금)까지
** 방중 진행하는 소모임
[[파일:지역문화 아카이빙.png|800px]]
== '''[[북 큐레이션]]''' ==
*북 큐레이션
** 시인 큐레이터 유희경님과 미팅 기회가 있습니다.
** 첫모임에서 읽을 책의 주제, 큐레이션 방법, 소모임 방법(온라인/오프라인, 횟수 등) 같이 정합니다.
** 비교과포인트 팀장 30pt, 팀원 20pt(활동에 따라 최대 30pt)
** 참가 신청 : 서형덕조교(ssb@hansung.ac.kr)
** 문의 사항 : 디지털인문정보학트랙 사무실 (02-760-5945)
** 신청기간 : ~ 21.06.25(금)까지
** 방중 진행하는 소모임
[[파일:북큐레이션 소모임.png|800px]]
== '''[[문화 빅데이터 체험]]''' ==
*문화 빅데이터 체험
** 평소에 빅데이터에 관심은 많았지만 어디서 시작해야할 지 모르는 분, 문화빅데이터와 관련된 다양한 프로젝트를 탐색하며 관련 지식을 공부하기 위한 모임입니다.
** 빅데이터 실무전문가로부터 듣는 특강 기회가 있습니다.
** 문체부 공공빅데이터 활용 경진대회 등 공모전 준비
** 첫 모임에서 스터디할 주제와 소모임방법(온라인/오프라인, 횟수 등) 같이 정합니다.
** 비교과포인트 팀장 30pt, 팀원 20pt(활동에 따라 최대 30pt)
** 참가 신청 : 서형덕조교(ssb@hansung.ac.kr), 19학번 이예진(대표학생)
** 문의 사항 : 디지털인문정보학트랙 사무실 (02-760-5945)
** 신청기간 : ~ 21.06.25(금)까지
** 방중 진행하는 소모임
[[파일:문화 빅데이터 체험ver2.png|800px]]
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*[https://www.krpia.co.kr/product/main?plctId=PLCT00004652#none 한국현대문학대사전], [[KRPIA]]
*[https://terms.naver.com/list.nhn?cid=41708&categoryId=41737 한국현대문학대사전], [[네이버]]
*[http://www.playdb.co.kr/ Play DB], 인터파크.
*[http://www.kopis.or.kr/por/main/main.do 공연예술통합전산망], [[예술경영지원센터]].
*[http://archive.ntok.go.kr/ 공연예술디지털아카이브], [[국립극장]]
*[https://archive.arko.or.kr/ 한국예술디지털아카이브], [[한국문화예술위원회]]
*[http://www.culture.go.kr/knowledge/encyclopediaList.do 예술지식백과], [[문화체육관광부]]
*[http://www.seongbuk.go.kr/commons/tour/images/global/mainroad.pdf 성북동 시대의 길], [[성북구청]]
*[http://encykorea.aks.ac.kr/ 한국민족문화대백과사전]
*[http://www.grandculture.net/ 한국향토문화전자대전]
*[https://terms.naver.com/ 네이버 지식백과]
*[http://100.daum.net/ 다음 백과]
*[http://www.heritage.go.kr/heri/cul/culSelectView.do?mc=NS_04_03_01&mn=NS_04_03_01&pageNo=5_1_2_0 문화유산 통합검색], 문화재청.
* [http://dh.aks.ac.kr/edu/wiki/index.php/%EB%94%94%EC%A7%80%ED%84%B8_%EC%9D%B8%EB%AC%B8%ED%95%99_%EC%9E%85%EB%AC%B8 디지털 인문학 입문]/ 김현 (한국학중앙연구원), 김바로(한국학중앙연구원), 임영상(한국외국어대학교)
* 팀 버너스리 차세대 웹
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2021년 6월 15일 (화) 16:54 판

For quantification of anxiety granules, G3BP1positive foci and number of cells were manually counted over 4 representative fields of view for each biological replicate. The relative Sion analysis, applying a Benjamini/Hochberg corrected pvalue cutoff of 0.1 (padjusted quantity of tension granules per cellPI3K and p38 are prostressgranulekinasesHeberle et al.https://doi.org/10.26508/lsa.vol 2 | no two | e16 ofwas calculated because the ratio in between G3BP1positive foci and quantity of cells for every single field of view. The average of all representative fields from every situation was normalized towards the arsenite condition, which was set to 1. Statistics were performed with GraphPad Prism 8 by comparing the relative amounts of stress granules per cell over all biological replicates amongst two situations using a twotailed t test. RAS assay The RAS activity was studied around the basis of RAS AF interaction applying RBD agarose beads (Cat. No. 17218; Millipore) as outlined by the manufacturer's specifications. The cells were treated with arsenite for the specified duration and were subsequently lysed in magnesium lysis buffer (25 mM Hepes (pH 7.5), 150 nM NaCL, 1 IGEPAL CA630, 10 mM MgCl2, and 1 mM EDTA) for 30 min on ice. Debris was removed by centrifugation at 15,871 g for 15 min at four , and cleared lysates have been subsequently applied for protein measurement in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions using Bradford reagent (Cat. No. 1856209; Pierce). Equal amounts of all protein lysates had been subsequently incubated with RBD agarose beads for 45 min at 4 and thereafter washed three occasions with magnesium lysis buffer by centrifugation. Agarose beads had been then resuspended in 40 l of 2sample buffer, boiled for 5 min, and beads were collected by short centrifugation. 20 l per sample have been resolved on SDS AGE with suitable acrylamide Roline residue at 1, respectively) exhibit a a great deal additional dynamic behavior into percentage and transferred onto nitrocellulose membranes (Cat. No. 10600002, Amersham; GE Healthcare Life Sciences). The membranes had been blocked with five nonfat dry milk in TBST for 1 h at room temperature and thereafter incubated overnight at four with either antiRas or antiGST main antibodies diluted in five nonfat dry milk with TBST. A washing step with TBST followed, and the membranes had been subsequently probed with secondary antibodies conjugated to either horseradish peroxidase (antirabbit/ mouse HRPlinked IgG antibody) or to a fluorophore for 1 h at room temperature. The membranes were washed again as described above, and chemiluminescence was detected making use of GE Healthcare ECL Western blotting detection reagents (Cat. No. RPM2106; Ammersham ECL) and FluorChem M Scanner, whereas fluorescence was detected using the LiCor Odyssey Infrared Program. Mathematical model The final ordinary differential equation ased model such as a stressrelated input on PI3K, on AktpS473, and on mTORC1 (model V) comprises 25 species and 91 parameters. Generally, the model describes the activity state (e.g., phosphorylation) on the following species: IR, IRS1, PI3K, PDK1, Akt, PRAS40, TSC2, p70S6K, and 4EBP1. For the sake of simplicity, diverse compartments and cell volume have been neglected. All species activations and deactivations were simulated making use of mass action kinetics. Inhibitions had been simulated to become concentration dependent, that is definitely, the efficiency of inhibition correlates with the concentration of the inhibiting species relative to its total concentration (which includes active and inactive variants primarily based on phosphorylation states).